
a bionic heart

from the beginning of treatment, there was a naive part of me that felt a pacemaker was an end all/be all solution i could live with. simply put, it would mean a good chance of saying goodbye to the inconsistencies that i'd been dealing with and living with in regards to my heart rate. however. this whole time i've had a cardiologist that was conservative, always wanting to see a better solution (more natural) that wouldn't leave me dependent on hardware. after each ablation, after every ekg or office visit, i felt frustrated that there was a potential answer we were skirting around instead of embracing and letting me move on with life.

until friday.

when, after yet another ekg and review of my last monitor proved that my little natural-pacemaker-that-could, actually couldn't. my cardiologist feels that, while it could take a solid year (ugh) for me to balance out and start to feel normal at a slower heart rate, he would have liked to see a little more stability in that sinus node.

there is no plan of action to correct anything as of now. not even another appointment scheduled just yet. but. his position changed from "nope, never gonna do it" to "we're looking at a situation that could very well warrant a pacemaker".

a total 180.

and now...

now it doesn't seem as refreshing.

1 comment:

Elli said...

but now you can get the paceguard and still play soccer...so now not quite as bad. :)